The month of May meant many new things for our family. We made the choice to take Brandau Photography from somewhat of a hobby to a legitimate business and created Brandau Photography, LLC! May also brought the beginning of summer vacation and time with my little girl. However, the biggest change was the addition of our new little guy who arrived in late May! Although I am the primary photographer in this duo, my husband Tom knows his way around a camera (and serves as my tech support and consult!). Tom often helps out as my photography assistant or second shooter when I need him. The photos below were taken by Tom, and I can't think of any better way to celebrate the changes in our lives than to share them. The post below originally appeared on our personal blog, so if you follow our family, this will be familiar to you!

Our New Addition

If you are slightly squeamish or really don't want to see photos of a beautiful baby straight from the womb, you should stop reading now. We debated sharing these photos, but decided they were way too cool to keep to ourselves. At least I think so... But hey - I may be biased.

I really wanted photos of this baby's birth. Birth photographers are expensive. They're on-call and work odd hours. They have to be available all the time. This costs a pretty penny. I also really wanted a new camera. New cameras are expensive. In the end, the camera won out. No birth photographer for me.

In lieu of a birth photographer, I asked the hubs if he would take a few photos. I showed him a few examples of what I wanted, and he agreed. I was hoping for one good photo. After all, he would be a little busy too...

What I got was this.

Words cannot describe how happy I am that Tom was able to freeze this moment for us! These photos make my heart sing!

